Biden administration finds itself alone in opposition as 13 other nations back resolution while UK abstains The US vetoed a UN Security Council draft resolution...
ABD’nin New York kentinde ve başkenti Washington’da yüzlerce kişi, İsrail’in Gazze Şeridi’ne yönelik yeniden başlattığı saldırıların durdurulması talebiyle protesto düzenledi. New York’taki Central Park civarında...
Billionaire calls endorsement of racist theory his ‘dumbest’ ever social media post, lashes out at fleeing advertisers with profanity Facing a public backlash and an...
‘The temporary pause is not enough. We need a permanent cease-fire now,’ says Representative Rashida Tlaib A group of US Congress members visited activists, state legislators, and...
Joint statement reiterates support for Israel’s ‘right to defend itself against terrorism,’ calls for release of all captives US President Joe Biden, and the leaders...
ABD’nin Washington DC kentinde, bir grup Yahudi İsrail’in Filistin’e yönelik saldırılarına karşı “ateşkes” talebiyle Beyaz Saray önünde gösteri yaptı. İfNotNow ve Barış İçin Yahudi Sesi...